Linda Richichi

Linda Richichi

Since 1999, the globally collected Artist Linda Richichi has earned many Best of Show Awards at national and international Plein Air paint-outs and exhibitions. One of her paintings that received an award with International Plein Air Painters currently hangs in City Hall of Ontario, Canada. Notably, in 2012 Richichi was voted as National Best Intuitive Artist from (then a NY Times company). Soon after graduating in 1994 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art from SUNY, Richichi received a scholarship from the Pastel Society of America to attend the Art Students League in New York City. 


Linda quickly found national acclaim as a portrait painter, but in 2001 she felt a calling for the wild. She turned to Plein Air painting, as she found that Mother Nature was the healing energy, the need to recover from deeply resonating personal loss. This began her realization that art can help to heal us, too. Through her paintings, like in her workshops in Sarasota, Fl, you begin to “Experience the Energy” through the harmonized color vibrations in her art.


Linda’s work has been exhibited extensively around North America including at the prestigious National Arts Club in New York City with the Pastel Society of America. Linda is a current member of the Oil Painters of America and a signature member of the California Plein Air Painters, NY and International Plein Air Painters.


Artist Statement:

I work to capture both what is seen and what is not seen.  With intuition leading the way when on location I allow what I feel to override what I see. With years and years of classical training under my belt, my hand can easily follow my heart creating a work of art that not only represents the scene but also allows the soul of the place to come forth.


Past study with shamans has sharpened my understanding of energy, enhancing my ability to capture the invisible bringing life to each canvas. Through color, lines, and brushstrokes I portray feelings that often cannot be put into words.   







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